Microchip adds op amps to PIC microcontrollers
Microchip has integrated a dual op amp into its 8-bit PIC microcontrollers.
The PIC16F527 and PIC16F570 microcontrollers are designed with on-chip dual op amp module, 8-bit ADC and two comparators.
Combining signal conditioning and amplification function, the devices implement a new hardware interrupt capability which allows designers to implement more complex functions without adding software overhead.
An integrated Brown-Out Reset (BOR) can detect faults in system power and safely reset the MCU to avoid memory corruption.
The two MCUs also feature self-read/write programme flash memory, which allows for high-use data EEPROM functionality.
Likely applications are sensor products, such as smoke detectors, carbon-monoxide detectors, photo sensors and automotive sensor-interface modules.
The PIC16F527 MCU is offered in 20-pin PDIP, SOIC, SSOP and QFN packages and is available today for sampling and volume production.
The PIC16F570 is offered in 28-pin PDIP, SOIC, SSOP and QFN packages and is expected to be available in June for sampling and volume production.
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